
Happy Thanksgiving!   If you need some reason to get up after your meal, this book may remind you why it’s not good to sit all day.

Scared Sitless outlines the perils of sitting disease and what to do about it.  The premise underlying all of this is that humans were never designed to sit for hours on end and even if you exercise and go to the gym, it doesn’t replace the need to have frequent movement during the day.  I’ve been wearing a fitbit pedometer for over a year now and have seen some gradual changes and fitness level as I’ve become more aware of how much I’m moving and how much time I really do spend sitting.  This book has given some additional suggestions and reasons to keep moving, Including  how the body changes it’s physical metabolism, inflammation markers and ability to regulate other important functions including blood pressure.  With some of the chronic health issues in my genetic lines, I’m inclined to keep moving!



Scared Sitless: The Office Fitness Book



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