
Create any habit you want in your life using Tiny Habits®: A breakthrough method created by Stanford behavior scientist and New York Times best-selling author B.J. Fogg. Tiny Habits® focuses on creating mini-habits that will grow into full-sized habits. Using a combination of behavior-based research conducted by B.J. FOGG, Ph.D., and his behavior lab out of Stanford and focusing on creating successful behaviors that take less than 30 seconds, you can truly set yourself up to change your world!

I’m a certified Tiny Habits® Coach, and I’d love to help you out!

Check out my FREE Tiny Habits® by email course!

You can learn the basics and get started in about 25 minutes total. Submit by Friday or Saturday to start on Monday. Setup takes a few minutes, giving you the time to hit the ground running. You need to be done with this “setting up” phase by Sunday evening to join a session that starts on Monday. Starting on Monday, you will practice new habits for 5 days. You’ll discover what works for you and what doesn’t. Each afternoon, Monday through Friday, you will receive an email from me checking in with you. Each email will also share more about the Tiny Habits® method.

The Tiny Habits® recipe maker

This is a nifty tool that is one fast way to try out some ideas for new habits.

My Tiny Habits® for Functioning Better with ADHD Course

Learn from myself and Stephanie Marcusky, the founder of Authentic Growth Coaching, about why this method is a game-changer for people living with ADHD. With the Tiny Habits® method as the framework, you can start making changes in your life today that will reduce stress and overwhelm. When you complete the course, you’ll have a better understanding of how to implement small changes into your daily life.

Looking for a quick intro? You can find the book here: